When men divorce their wives in California, they may not initially consider whether they will need to pay alimony. Some husbands may think that they will be obligated to make these payments. However, men may sometimes be able to receive alimony.
There are a number of factors that affect alimony. According to FindLaw, a court usually considers how long a couple has been married, as well as a family’s standard of living. The ages and financial situations of both spouses are also a factor. If a father decided to stay home with the children while his wife works, a court may also consider how much job training or education he would need to be able to support himself.
While many wives might assume that their husband will need to pay alimony, this is not necessarily the case. In many families, both spouses work, and if a woman makes more money than her ex-husband, she may sometimes need to pay alimony. A woman may also find herself making these payments if she works full time while her husband stays home with the children.
Some people may think it is rare for men to receive alimony. According to Moneyish.com, the most recent statistics indicate that 400,000 people received alimony in 2010 and men accounted for 3 percent of the recipients. A different survey reported that 45 percent of matrimonial lawyers had encountered cases in which a woman paid alimony. One element contributing to this change is the fact that four out of 10 families across the country have a woman as the breadwinner. This means that some men may find that they do not need to pay alimony.